Founding Donors


$1,000,000 +

Julia & George Argyros
Marks Family Foundation
Timothy Mott
Mott Family Foundation
Elizabeth C. & Thomas T. Tierney
Dennis & Phyllis Washington


$250,000 – $999,999

Grace Harvey & John Bailey
Kim Kawaguchi & Bob Disbrow
The Martine & Dan Drackett Family Foundation Inc.
Josephine & William Lowe
Sally & Marc Onetto Charitable Fund
Nancy & Larry Probst
Stevens Family Foundation
Barbara W. Boswell & Harold Robinson
Tobi & Kevin Travis


$100,000 – $249,999

Anonymous (2)
Jan Aronson
Anne & Gary Borman & Family
Elizabeth & Jack Bunce Foundation, Inc.
City of Ketchum
Andria Friesen & Robert DeGennaro
Carey & John Dondero
The Kemmerer Family Foundation
Rebecca & Jonathan Neeley
Anita Braker & Dave Olsen

David A. Pyle
Ellen & Arthur Rubinfeld
Rockwell & Marna Schnabel Foundation
Bill & Sharon Shubin & Family
Claire & Allan Snyder
Roselyne C. Swig & Susan Swig
Diana & Mallory Walker
Gabriela Murgatroyd Wehner
Shay Doll & Buddy Wilton


$10,000 – $99,999

Lisa Rose & Marty Albertson
Joyce and Gary Almas
Lesley Andrus
The Barry Family
Carl Behnke
Leslie Benz
Gail Landis & Victor Bernstein
Liz Brown
Janne & Henry Burdick
Judith & Jeffery Camps
Cheng Family Foundation
Sophie & Derek Craighead
Anne & James F. Crumpacker Family
Peter G Curran, Peco Foundation
Patricia & Gary Darman
(Gary Darman Company)
Karen & Marc de Saint Phalle
DeBard Johnson Foundation
Janet & Roger DeBard
Dr Ronald & Beth Dozoretz
Debra & Lyman Drake
Chichester duPont Foundation
(Holley & Chris duPont)
Bob & Linda Edwards
Michael S Engl Family Foundation
Jill & Mark Eshman
Lynn Feintech & Anthony Bernhardt
Patti Felton
Georgie & Dick Fenton
Claudia Fiaschetti
Chip & Sandra Fisher
Janet Nathanail & William Flanz
Mary Foust
Sue & Mort Fuller
Ellen & James Gillespie,
The von der Heyden Family Foundation

Deana & Morley Golden
Nancy & Ross Goldstein
Debra, Chloe, Allegra, Bing Gordon
Susie & Dick Granville
Jami & Mark Grassi
Susan & Ron Greenspan
Gardner Grout Foundation
Kim Steele & Jay Hagenbuch
The Harris Family Revocable Trust
Grace Harvey
Catherine & Jean-Francois Heitz
Helios Foundation
Geri Herbert
Connie & Gary Hoffman
Karen & Steve Holzman
Cynthia and Blair Hull
Leslie & George Hume
Roy A Hunt Foundation
Geoff Isles
Judy Jellinek
Martha & Ross Jennings
Kat Grant Khosrowshahi
Barbara Thrasher & Rick Koffey
Koret Foundation
Bonni & Peter Kremer
Joan Lamb
Barbara Lehman
Jennifer & Jim Lindstrom
Alison & Jim Luckman
Marmot Foundation
McAlvain Construction
Stephanie Mennen
In Memory of Don Ciccone
Helen Meyer (Meyer Sound)
Richard Carr & Jeanne Meyers
Royanne & Alan Minskoff

The Late Great Keith Moore
Sarah Smith & Casey Mott
Ellen & Andrea Nasi
Kipp Nelson
Sun Valley Opera
Stephanie Freid-Perenchio & John
William Pierpoint
Phoebe Pilaro
Carlyn Ring
Marilyn and Steve Rivera
Jennifer & Peter Roberts
Susan Reinstein & Brian Ross
Julie & Preston Sargent
Gail Severn
Tom Livermore & Scott Shadrick
Stephanie & Steve Shafran
Gail & Bob Smelick
Graham Smith
The Snorf Fund of the Community Foundation
for Monterey County – Charles & Leslie Snorf
Julie & Peter Stott
Gail Thornton
Chris & Dan Turner
Charlotte Unger
Sheila & Willy Walker
The Advisors of the Walnut Fund
Lisa & Dave Whorton
Bex Wilkinson & The Marshall Frankel Foundation
David Whitlock
Ginna & John Wolcott
Jeri Wolfson
Sarah & David Woodward


$1,000 – $9,999

Sherry & Doug Aanestad
Susan Conner & Samuel Adicoff
Drs. Herbert & Charlotte Alexander
Kelly & Wayne Allen
Jane & Tom Allen
In Honor of Julia Argyros
Samuel H. & Mary Jane Armacost
Delvin & Joe Ash
Judy & Don Atkinson
Renata & Fred Beguin
Sarah W Blumenstein
Lisa Stelk & Bill Boeger
Adam, Scott, & Sophia Bohrer
Deborra Bohrer
Frederic & Aurelie Boloix
Boyle Fund
Sylvia & Barry Bunshoft
Alice Anne Calvert
Laura & Robert Caminiti
Alma & Ralph Campanale
Laura & Scott Carlin
Sallie Castle
Gabe Cherian
in Loving Memory of, Helma R. Cherian
Mary Ahern & Joe Chlebowski
Lee Chubb
Penny & Buzz Coe
Mike & Mary Colhoun
Nancy & Charlie Cord
Nancy Crandall
Katherine Rixon & Rob Cronin
Croteau Family
Judith Davis
The Deere Family
Eva & Jim DeWolfe
Penny & Jim DeYoung
Kristi & Bob Diercks
Ross & Kim Donald
Steve Dondero
Cyndi & Brad Dufur
Ann & Leon Ellis
Gay Emery
Thad & Anette Farnham
Patti Felton
Fred & Randi Filoon
Sandra & John Flattery
Roger Jeanne Foreman
Diana Frazier
Elaine & John French
Joyce Friedman,
In memory of Norman Friedman
Gay & Bill Fruehling
Marina Dallago & David Gertz
Sally Gillespie

Stephanie & Jerry Gould
Grabow Family
Corey Graham
Eileen Hansen & Jay Graham
Lynn & Austen Gray
Lolly Greeninger
Cyndie & Z. Wayne Griffin
Michelle & Harry Griffith
The Griswold Family
Peggy & Sam Grossman
The Jill Grossman Family Charitable Fund
Sally & Michael Halsted
Tod & Barbara Hamachek
Patricia Hanwright
Trina Peters & The Hardiman Family
Lynne & Steve Heidel
The Hemmings Family
Pamela Irby
Ann Jones
Kathy Jones
Chipper & Bill Joseph
Tracy & Eric Kanowsky
Kantor Family
Lynn & Bruce Kaplan
Susan Passavoy & Bob Kaplan
Courtney & Steve Kapp
Diane C. Kneeland
Venetia Kontogouris
Michelle & Mark Krogh
Leslie & Michael Lanahan
Inge-Lise & Jack Lane
Ann Adamson Leonardo
Kristy & Tom Logan
Ali Long
Leslie & Jon Maksik
Mary & Steve Malkmus
Dorrie & David Marks –
In honor of their son Evan
Kiki & Wayne Martin –
Martin Djos Family Foundation
Susan & Gary Martin
Claudia McCain
Sandy & Jack McCullough
Rob McGowan (Architectural Resources)
Sharon McNee by Lori McNee & Family
Mari & Gary McStay
Jane Rosen & Scott Miley
Roger & Francette Miller
J Peter Mohn & Diane Mohn
Sue & John Monson
Gina Knox & Richard Mull
Cynthia & Kingsley Murphy
Terry & Mike Murphy
John Murray
Susan Tucker & Steve Myers
Sandy & Dean Nichols

Carol Nie
Russell & Eleanor Notides
Bev & Rob O’Neil (Big Wood Investments)
Scott and Barbara Patton
Stephen & Marylyn Pauley
Suzie & Garry Pearson
Margot Peck
Wendy & Alan Pesky
Sherrie Petermann
Marie-Noelle and Greg Phillips –
In honor of Tim Mott
Lee & Jill Pollock
Eileen & Fred Prager
Connie & Tony Price
Collett Pruitt
Sharon & Nick Purdy –
In memory of Bud Purdy
Neil Bradshaw & Ivana Radlova
Joy & Ken Rempe
Bob & Betsy Reniers
Kathy & Kirk Riedinger
Sarah & Bill Robertson
Rick & Kathy Robinson
Barbara & David Rognlien
Lois Rosen
Rosen Family
Kate & Bob Rosso –
In memory of Sam Mott
H. Perry Boyle, Jr & Lisa M. Ryan
Pamela & Andrew Sabel
Lynda & Robert Safron
Susan & John Sahlberg
Jean Sakaguchi
Donna & Bruce Shahbaz
Becky & Pete Smith
Connie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John Christopher Spain
Jensen Family
Jensen Stern
Charles Stuhlberg
Maggie & Dave Sturdevant
Spooky & Jim Taft
Janet Taggares
James & Shirley Tallackson
Richard Taylor
Cornelius T. Ryan & Phebe Thorne
Alasdair Neale & Lowell Tong
Kirk T Wampler
Anita Weissberg
Doug Whitman
Margaret Whittelsey
Mandi Wilson
Rhea Schwartz & Paul Wolff
Patsy Wygle
Barbara & Stanley R. Zax
Roland Wolfram & Patti Zebrowski


Sarah Michael & Tom Bowman
Christine Bracher
Derek Dean & Katrina Jankowski
Nancy & Chuck Ferries
Dr R W Hall
Becca Hemingway
Lisa Marie Allen & Peter Hendricks
Howard Wright & Kate Janeway
Ginna & Ken Lagergren

Marcelle & Ridley Pearson
Matthew Reeck  –
In honor of Gary & Connie Hoffman
Marie Stanislaw
Bill & Dookie Tingue
GiGi, Reid & Johnny Welsh – 
In honor of Kathy Jones
Patience & Robert Ziebarth