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Sun Valley Film Festival Monthly Movies: Preconceived

Where does someone turn when facing an unplanned pregnancy? Preconceived is a raw and insightful look into the rise of the enigmatic crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) pervading America. Shedding light on how many of these centers are a part of a movement striving to make abortion unthinkable and illegal, the documentary explores the complex role of deception, finances, faith, and privacy. 

Preconceived follows the stories of two women, Maleeha in Texas and Maria in Colorado, whose searches to terminate their unplanned pregnancies misled them to anti-abortion centers. The film also features testimonies from individuals on both sides of the issue including leaders of the CPC industry as well as experts who caution why many CPC practices are problematic. Amid a shifting legal landscape, Preconceived underscores the importance of understanding the resources available to pregnant people.

September 16

Sun Valley Policy Forum Fall Event

September 20

The Marshall Tucker Band